처음부터 차근차근

날씨 API : OpenWeatherMap 본문


날씨 API : OpenWeatherMap

_soyoung 2022. 2. 7. 19:13

OpenWeatherMap는 날씨와 관련된 데이터를 제공해주는 API이다. 




Сurrent weather and forecast - OpenWeatherMap

Access current weather data for any location on Earth including over 200,000 cities! The data is frequently updated based on the global and local weather models, satellites, radars and a vast network of weather stations. how to obtain APIs (subscriptions w






1. 먼저 회원가입을 한다. (이메일만 있으면 할 수 있음)

2. api 탭으로 가서 사용할 data를 고른다. (필자는 current weather을 고름)

API doc로 들어가면 사용방법이 잘 나와있다!





3. js 코드를 이용하여 사용한다.


var apiURI = "http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?q="+지역이름+"&appid="+"자신의key";

자신의 key를 복사하여 api 주소에 붙여 넣는다. 

자신의 api




사용 예시


<div style="background-color : rgb(101, 178, 255); padding : 40px;color : #fff; height : 220px">
    <div style="float : left;">
        <div class="weather_icon"></div>

    <div style="float : right; margin : -5px 0px 0px 60px; font-size : 11pt">
            <div class="temp_min"></div>
            <div class="temp_max"></div>
            <div class="humidity"></div>
            <div class="wind"></div>
            <div class="cloud"></div>
    <div style="float : right; margin-top : -45px;">
        <div class="current_temp" style="font-size : 50pt"></div>
        <div class="weather_description" style="font-size : 20pt"></div>
        <div class="city" style="font-size : 13pt"></div>




// 날씨 api - fontawesome 아이콘
var weatherIcon = {
    '01' : 'fas fa-sun',
    '02' : 'fas fa-cloud-sun',
    '03' : 'fas fa-cloud',
    '04' : 'fas fa-cloud-meatball',
    '09' : 'fas fa-cloud-sun-rain',
    '10' : 'fas fa-cloud-showers-heavy',
    '11' : 'fas fa-poo-storm',
    '13' : 'far fa-snowflake',
    '50' : 'fas fa-smog'

// 날씨 api - 서울
var apiURI = "http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?q="+'seoul'+"&appid="+"자신의 key";
    url: apiURI,
    dataType: "json",
    type: "GET",
    async: "false",
    success: function(resp) {

        var $Icon = (resp.weather[0].icon).substr(0,2);
        var $weather_description = resp.weather[0].main;
        var $Temp = Math.floor(resp.main.temp- 273.15) + 'º';
        var $humidity = '습도&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;' + resp.main.humidity+ ' %';
        var $wind = '바람&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;' +resp.wind.speed + ' m/s';
        var $city = '서울';
        var $cloud = '구름&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;' + resp.clouds.all +"%";
        var $temp_min = '최저 온도&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;' + Math.floor(resp.main.temp_min- 273.15) + 'º';
        var $temp_max = '최고 온도&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;' + Math.floor(resp.main.temp_max- 273.15) + 'º';

        $('.weather_icon').append('<i class="' + weatherIcon[$Icon] +' fa-5x" style="height : 150px; width : 150px;"></i>');

// 날씨 api - 경기도
var apiURI = "http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?q="+'Gyeonggi-do'+"&appid="+"자신의 key";
    url: apiURI,
    dataType: "json",
    type: "GET",
    async: "false",
    success: function(resp) {

        var $g_Icon = (resp.weather[0].icon).substr(0,2);
        var $g_weather_description = resp.weather[0].main;
        var $g_Temp = Math.floor(resp.main.temp- 273.15) + 'º';
        var $g_humidity = '습도&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;' + resp.main.humidity+ ' %';
        var $g_wind = '바람&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;' +resp.wind.speed + ' m/s';
        var $g_city = '경기도';
        var $g_cloud = '구름&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;' + resp.clouds.all +"%";
        var $g_temp_min = '최저 온도&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;' + Math.floor(resp.main.temp_min- 273.15) + 'º';
        var $g_temp_max = '최고 온도&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;' + Math.floor(resp.main.temp_max- 273.15) + 'º';

        $('.g_weather_icon').append('<i class="' + weatherIcon[$g_Icon] +' fa-5x" style="height : 150px; width : 150px;"></i>');







참고 사이트 : https://byul91oh.tistory.com/31
